FoamTree is a JavaScript tree map visualization with innovative layout algorithms and animations.

No plugins needed

FoamTree is a JavaScript / HTML5 component, compatible with any modern browser.

Innovative layout

Hierarchical Voronoi Treemaps are visually-pleasing and efficiently use the available space.

Visual tuning

You can customize the colors, fonts, borders, shadows and other aspects of FoamTree cells.

Varied animations

With the multitude of animation parameters, you can create tens of rollout and pullback effects.

Variety of devices

FoamTree works both on desktop and mobile, looks gorgeous on high-resolution displays.


FoamTree supports a wide range of languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

Zoom & expose

Zoom and pan the area with mouse wheel or touch, double click cell to expose.


Branding-locked version free for use. Contact Carrot Search for fully-brandable binaries.